College of Arts and Sciences
List of books in POLITICAL SCIENCE
Argumentation and Debate
Alder, Joanna R. (2004) Forensic Psychology: Concept, Debates and Practice. Mill Street Wiliam Publishing, RA/1148/F761/2004
Malaya, Jonathan E. (1999) Hit the Podium Getting Started in Debate. Manila: Rex Bookstore F/808.53503/M291/1999
Aquino, Conrado. (1962) Fundamental of Public Speaking and Debate. Phoenix Publishing House, F/808.51/A51/1962
Conflict Resolution and Peace Studies
Ramos, Fidel V. (1996) Break not the Peace the story of the GRP-MNLF Peace Negotations 1992-1996 F/341.66/R147/1996
Diplomatic and Consular Practice
Dynamics of Philippine Politics
Gamer, Robert E. (1994) Governments and Politics in a Changing World. Madison, Wisconsin Brown& Benchmark Publishers, HM/33/G14/1994
Economic, Tax, Reforms, Cooperative and Entrepreneurship
Register, Charles A. (2016) Economics of Social Issues. 21st ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill HB/171.5/R263/2016
Banes, Luz P. (2016) Principle of Economics with Taxation, Agrarian Reform & Cooperatives Manila: Mindshapers Co. Inc., F/330/B221p/2016
Aduana, Nick L. (2016). Entrepreneurship in the Philippine Setting for Senior High School Quezon City: C&E Publishing Inc. F/338.04/A91/2016 3 copies
Whittenburg, Gerald E. (2015) Income Tax Fundamentals. Australia: Cengage Learning KF/6369/I2/2015
Tucker, Irvin B. (2013) Survey of Economics. 8th ed. South-Western/ Cengage Learning, HB/171.5/T796/2013
Mastrianna, Frank V. (2013) Basic Economics. 16th ed. Australia: Cengage Learning, HB/171.5/M395/2013
Scarborough, Norman M. (2013) Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management. 6th ed.: Boston: Pearson, HD/62.7/S72/2013
Whittenburg, Gerald E. (2013) Income Tax Fundamentals. Australia: South-Western Cengage Learning, KF/6369/I2/2013
Arnold, Roger A. (2012) Principles of Economics. 10th ed : Ortigas, Pasig: Philippines Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd, HB/171.5/A65/2012
Leano, Roman D. Jr. (2012) Fundamentals of economics with agrarian reform, taxation and cooperatives. Manila: Mindshapers Co, Inc., F 330 L461f 2012
Bamford, Charles E. (2011) Entrepreneurship: A Small Business Aproach: Boston: McGraw Hill, HD/62.5/B219/2011
Merino Noel. (2011) Tax Reform. Detroit: Cengage Learning, HJ/2381/T198/2011
2 copies
Liquigan, Rosario M. (2010) Basic Economics with Agrarian Reform and Taxation. Malabon City: Mutya Publishing House, Inc., F/330/B292/2010
McConnell, Campbell R. (2009) Economics: Principles, Problems, Policies. 18th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, HB/171.5/M134/2009
Mandel, Michael. (2009) Economics the Basics. Boston: McGraw-Hill, HB/171.5/M312/2009
Schiller, Bradley.(2009) Essential of Economics. Boston: McGraw-Hill, HB/171.5/S33/2009
Walstad, William B. (2009) Study Guide for Use with McConnell, Brue, and Flynn: Economics. 18th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, HB/171.5/W168/2009
McAfee, Andrew. (2009) Entrepreneurship 2.0. U.S.A.: Harvard Business Press HD/30.2/M119/2009
Asor, Winefreda B. (2009) Entrepreneurship in the Philippine Settings. Manila: Rex Bookstore F/338.04/A59/2009 2 copies
Ditablan, Eustaquio C. (2009) Entrepreneurship Unlimited Opportunities & Resources Mandaluyong: National Bookstore, F/338.04/D634/2009
Hisrich, Robert D. (2008) Entrepreneurship. 7th ed. Boston: McGraw Hill, HB/615/H629/2008
Gabay, Bon Kristoffer G.(2007) Economics its Concept and Principles (with Agrarian Reform and Taxation) Manila: Rex Bookstore, F/330/G110/2007 7 copies
Timmons, Jeffrey A. (2007) New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century. 7th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, HB/62.5/T485/2007
Frederick, Howard H. (2007) Entrepreneurship. Australia: Thomson, HB/615/K87/2007
Kuratko/ Hodgetts. (2007) Entrepreneurship: Theory, Process, Practice. 7th ed. Australia: Thomson, HB/615/K87/2007
Camposano, Jorge A. (2006). Entrepreneurship for Modern Business. Manila: National Bookstore, F/338.04/C157/2006 3 copies
Hisrich, Robert D. (2005) Entrepreneurship. 6th ed. Boston: McGraw Hill/ Irwin, HD/62.5/H625/2005
McConnell, Campbell R. (2005) Economics: Principles, Problems, Policies. 16th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, HB/171.5/M133/2005
McConnell, Campbell R. (2002) Economics: Principles, Problems, Policies. 15th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, HB/171.5/M47/2002
Entrepreneur in Political Science
Environmental Governance
Biore, Christopher. (2015) Good Governance & Responsibility. F/350/G591/2015
(2010) The New Public Governance?: Emerging perspectives on the theory and practice of public governance. London: Routledge, JF/1351/N420/2010
(2010) Governance and Planning of Mega-city Regions: an International Comparative Perspective. New York: Routledge, HT/166/G746/2010
Rivas, Dionesio C. (2010) Politics, Governance and the Philippine Constitution. Manila Rex Bookstore F/342.5/R523/2010
Lazo, Ricardo S. (2009) Philippine Governance and the 1987 Constitution. Manila Rex Bookstore F/342.41/L549/2009
Dannug, Roman R. (2005) Politics and Governance. F/320.9559/D233/2005
Dannug, Roman R. (2004) Political, Governance and Government with Philippine Constitution Quezon City: C&E Publishing Inc. F/320.4599/D233/2004
Fundamentals of Political Science
Lazo, Ricardo S.(2009). Introduction to Political Science. Manila: Rex Bookstore F/320/L459/2009 2copies
Rathod P.B. (2006) Hand Book of Political Science. Jaipur, India: ABD Publishers, JA/66/R188/2006
Laurente, Reynold Reyes. (2006) Essentials of Political Science 2. Manila: Rex Bookstore F/320/L374/2006 7copies
Ayson, Florentino G. (2000) Fundamentals of Political Science. 2nd ed. Mandaluyong City National Bookstore, F/320/A88/2000 2 copies
Khan Rias A. (1991) An Introduction to Political Science. 4th ed. Canada: Nelson Canada JA/71/K48/1991
Aruego, Jose M. (1981) Principles of Political Science. Manila: University Book Suppy Inc. F/320/A81/1981
Aruego, Jose M. (1964) Principles of Political Science. 9th ed. Manila: University Book Suppy Inc., F/320/A83/1964
International Law
Sorna, Rajah M. The International Law on Foreign Invesment. 3rd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, K/3830.4/568/2010
International Political System
Rourke, John T. (2003) International Politics on the World Stage. 9th ed. Dushkin: McGraw-Hill D/31/R761/2003
Introduction to Comparative Government & Politics
(2016) Annual Editions: Comparative Politics. 33th ed. USA: McGraw-Hill Education JF/51/A78/2016
Powell, Bingham G. Jr. (2014) Comparative Politics Today: a World View. 11th ed. Boston Pearson, JF/51/C738/2014
Yap Fiona O. (2010) Comparative Politics: 09/10. 27th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, JF/37/A78/2010
Palekar S.A.( 2009) Comparative Politics and Government. New Delhi: Learning Private Limited, JA/66/P174/2009
Zagorski, Paul W. (2009) Comparative Politics : Continuity and Breakdown in the Contemporary World. London: Routledge, JF/51/Z12/2009
Dickerson Mark O. (1991) Introductory Readings in Government and Politics. 3rd ed. Canada: Nelson Canada, JC/131.157/D558/1991
Shafritz Jay M. (1988)The Dorsey Dictionary of American Government and Politics. Chicago: The Dorsey Press, JK/9/S13/1988
Pacis, Vicente Albano. (1967) Philippine Government and Politics. Quezon City: Phoenix Press Inc., F/320.9/P119/1967
Introduction to International and Regional Organizations
(2010). Governance and Planning of Mega-city Regions: an International Comparative Perspective. New York: Routledge, HT/166/G746/2010
Introduction to International Relations
(2016) Domestic Role Contestation, Foreign Policy, and International Relations. New York: Routledge, JZ/1305/D712/2016
Introduction to Law
Hess, Karen Matison. (2018). Introduction to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice. 12th ed. Australia : Cengage Learning, HV/8138/H463/2018
Aquino, David C. (2017). Introduction to Law . Quezon City : Central Book Supply, Inc. KPM/68/A56/2017
Suarez, Rolando A. (2017). Introduction to Law. 6th ed. Manila : Rex Book Store, Inc. KPM/68/S12/2017
Suarez, Rolando A. (2013). Introduction to Law. 5th ed. Manila: Rex Book Store, KPM/68/S12/2013 2 copies
Wrobleski Henry M. (2007). Introduction to Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice. 8th ed. Australia : Wadsworth, HV/7231/W942/2007
Introduction to Philippine Politics and Governance
(2021) Revitalizing Philippine Irrigation: A Systems and Governance Assessment for the 21st Century. Quezon City: Philippine Institute for Development Studies FIL/HD/1741.P5/R327/2021
Coloma, Sonny.(2018) Pillars of Good Governance. Makati: Financial Executives Institute of the Philippines, FIL/JQ/247/C714/2018
Biore, Christopher. (2015) Good Governance & Responsibility. F/350/G591/2015
Romero, Ma. Corona S. (2013) Philippine History: a Saga of Leadership in Governance with the Constitution. San Mateo, Rizal: Think book Enterprises, FIL/DS/668/R664/2013
(2010) The New Public Governance?: Emerging perspectives on the theory and practice of public governance. London: Routledge, JF/1351/N420/2010
Rivas, Dionesio C. (2010) Politics, Governance and the Philippine Constitution. Manila: Rex Bookstore, F/342.5/R523/2010
Lazo, Ricardo S. (2009) Philippine Governance and the 1987 Constitution. Manila: Rex Bookstore, F/342.41/L549/2009
Dannug, Roman R. (2005) Politics and Governance. F/320.9559/D233/2005
Dannug, Roman R. (2004) Political, Governance and Government with Philippine Constitution. Quezon City: C&E Publishing Inc. F/320.4599/D233/2004 2 copies
Munoz, Mauro R. Jr. (2002) Philippine Governance and Constitution. Quezon City: Katha Publishing Co, Inc. F/342.0209/M926/2002
Gamer, Robert E. (1994) Governments and Politics in a Changing World. Madison, Wisconsin: Brown& Benchmark Publishers, HM/33/G14/1994
Introduction to Political Analysis and Research
Mycoff, Jason D. (2016) Working with Political Science Research Methods: Problems and Exercises. 4th ed. Los Angeles: SAGE, JA/73/M995/2016
Pollock, Philip H. (2012) The Essentials of Political Analysis. 4th ed. Los Angeles: SAGE JA/86/p765/2012
Introduction to Political Theory
Vinod M.J. (2013) Contemporary Political Theory. New Delhi: Learning Private Limited, JA/66/V770/2013
Lazo, Ricardo S. (2009) Introduction to Political Science. Manila: Rex Bookstore F/320/L459/2009
Khan Rias A. (1991) An Introduction to Political Science. 4th ed. Canada: Nelson Canada JA/71/K48/1991
Islamic, History and Culture
Pickren, Wade E. (2020) Psychology and Health: Culture, Place, History. New York: Routledge,
Freyss, Siegrun Fox. (2020) Changing Urban Trends: Cultures of Decency and well-being from the pre modern to the postmodern. New York: Routledge
Riodique, Francisco C. III. (2016) Understanding Society & Culture: A Sociological and Anthropological Approach. Manila: Mindshapers Co, Inc.
Riodique, Francisco C. (2016) Understanding Society & Culture: a Sociological and Anthropological Approach. Manila: Mindshapers Co. Inc., F/301/Un1/2016
Lister Charles R. (2015) The Islamic State: A Brief Introduction. Washington D.C.: Brooking Institution Press, HV/6433./I722/L679/2015
Smith, Allison D. (2015) The Pop Culture Zone: Writing Critically About Popular Culture. 2nd ed. Australia: Cengage Learning, PE/1417/S51/2015
Peralta, Ana Maria Botor. (2015) Society, culture and personality: the social science perspective, F305.89 P41 2015
Banaag, Lee Mark T. (2012) Socio-Anthro an Integrated and Inter discplinary Approach to the Study of Society and Culture. Mandaluyong City: Books Atbp. Publishing Corp., F/ 301/ B220/ 2012
Leanino, Romano D.C. Jr. (2012) Society and culture with Family planning: a modular approach. Quezon City: C&E Publishing Inc., F 305.89 L4670 2012
Banaag, Lee Mark T. (2012) Socio-Anthro: An Integrated and Interdisciplinary Approach to the Study of Society and Culture. Mandaluyong City: Books Atbp Publishing Corp, F/301/B220/2012
Emon Anver M. (2010) Islamic Natural Law Theories. Argentina: Oxford University Press, KBP/440.3/E69/2010
Hughes, Geoffrey. (2010) Political Correctnes: a History of Semantics and Culture. Wiley-Blackwell BD/175.5/H874/2010
Roskin Michael G. (2009) Countries and Concept: Politics, Geography, Culture. 10th ed. New York Pearson Education, Inc. JF/51/R731/2009
Leano, Reman D. Jr.( 2005) Society and culture for college students: a modular approach. Makati Mindshaper, F 305.895 L475 2005
Irapta, Angelina C. (2005) Introduction to Asia: Historical,Culture, and Civilization. Manila: Rex Bookstore, F/950/I1/2005
Goodwin, Godfrey. (1990) Islamic Spain England: Penguin Books, DS/36/G62/1990
Wasserstrom, Jeffrey N. ed. (1992) Popular Protest and Political Culture in Modern China: Learning from 1989. Boulder: Westview Press, DS/779.32/P819/1992
Hertz Aleksander.(1988) The Jews in Polish Culture. Northwestern: Northwestern University Press, PS/135/H413/1988
Local Government in the Philippines
Morphet, Janice. (2008). Modern Local Government. Los Angeles: Sage Publications, JS/3111/M829/2008
Dannug, Roman R. (2004) Political, Governance and Government with Philippine Constitution Quezon City: C&E Publishing Inc., F/320.4599/D233/2004
Brillantes, Alex B. Jr. (2003) Innovations and excellence understanding local government in the Philippines. Quezon City: CLRG, F/352.0599/B769i/2003
(1993) Local Government Code of 1991 R.A. 7160. Manila: A.V.P Printing Press, F/320.8/L786/1993
(1991) State and Local Government in a Changing Society. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, Inc., JK/2408/B56/1991
Pacis, Vicente Albano.(1967) Philippine Government and Politics. Quezon City: Phoenix Press Inc. F/320.9/P119/1967
Pagoso, Cristobal M. (2014) Introductory Macroeconomics. 4th ed. Manila: Rex Bookstore F/338.5/I8/2014
Pagoso, Cristobal M. (2013) Introductory Macroeconomics. Manila: Rex Bookstore F/339/P149/2013
Barro, Robert J. (2008) Macroeconomics: A Modern Approach. Thomas, South-Western, HB/172/B278/2008
Colander, David C. (2001) Macroeconomics. 4th ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, HB/172.5/C638/2001
Methods of Research I
Dane, Francis C. (2023). Evaluating research : methodology for people who need to read research. 3rd ed. Thousand Oaks, California : SAGE Publications Inc., CIR/Q/180.55.Eg/D198/2023
Hennick, Monique. (2020). Qualitative research methods.2nd ed. London : SAGE Publications Ltd., CIR/H/62/H393/2020
Tracy, Sarah J. (2020). Qualitative research methods : collecting evidence, crafting analysis, communicating impact. 2nd ed. Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley Blackwell, CIR/H/62/T674/2020
Wright, Bernadette. (2020). Practical mapping for applied research and program evaluation. California : Sage Publications Inc., CIR/H/62/W930/2020
Durdella, Nathan. (2019). Qualitative dissertation methodology : a guide for research design and methods. Thousand Oaks, California : SAGE Publications, Inc., CIR/LB/2369/D933/2019
Largan, Claire. (2019). Qualitative secondary research : a step-by-step guide. London : Sage Publications Ltd., CIR/H/62/L323/2019
Merriam, Sharon B. (2019). Qualitative research in practice : examples for discussion and analysis. 2nd ed. San Francisco, California : Jossey-Bass, CIR/H/62/M551/2019
Coe, Robert. (2017) Research Methods & Methodologies in education. 2nd ed. London: SAGE LB/1028/R31/2017
Adanza, Estela G. (2009) Methods of Research: A Primer .Manila: Rex Bookstore, F/ 001.42/ A19/ 2009 2 copies
Calmorin, Laurentina Paler. (2007) Research Methods and Thesis Writing. 2nd ed. Manila: Rex Bookstore, F/ 001.4/ C137/ 2007 5 copies
Acero, Victorino De Ocampo. (2006) Methods of Research. Manila: Rex Bookstore, F/ 001.42/ A35/ 2006 5 copies
Ariola, Mariano M. (2006) Principles and Methods of Research. Manila: Rex Book Store, F/ 001.42/ A43/ 2006 5 copies
McNeill, Patric. (2005) Research Methods. 3rd ed. London: Routledge, HM/251/N234/2005
Zulueta, Francisco M. (2003) Methods of Research Thesis-Writing and Applied Statistics. Mandaluyong City: National Bookstore, F/001.42/ Z84/ 2003
Calmorin, Laurentina Paler. (1995) Methods of Research and Thesis Writing. Mandaluyong City: Rex Bookstore, F/ 001.42/ C137/ 1995
Calderon, Jose F. (1993) Methods of Research and Thesis Writing. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store, F/ 001.42/ C127/ 1993 2 copies
Methods of Research 2
Dane, Francis C. (2023). Evaluating research : methodology for people who need to read research. 3rd ed. Thousand Oaks, California : SAGE Publications Inc., CIR/Q/180.55.Eg/D198/2023
Hennick, Monique. (2020). Qualitative research methods.2nd ed. London : SAGE Publications Ltd., CIR/H/62/H393/2020
Tracy, Sarah J. (2020). Qualitative research methods : collecting evidence, crafting analysis, communicating impact. 2nd ed. Hoboken, New Jersey : Wiley Blackwell, CIR/H/62/T674/2020
Wright, Bernadette. (2020). Practical mapping for applied research and program evaluation. California : Sage Publications Inc., CIR/H/62/W930/2020
Durdella, Nathan. (2019). Qualitative dissertation methodology : a guide for research design and methods. Thousand Oaks, California : SAGE Publications, Inc., CIR/LB/2369/D933/2019
Largan, Claire. (2019). Qualitative secondary research : a step-by-step guide. London : Sage Publications Ltd., CIR/H/62/L323/2019
Merriam, Sharon B. (2019). Qualitative research in practice : examples for discussion and analysis. 2nd ed. San Francisco, California : Jossey-Bass, CIR/H/62/M551/2019
Coe, Robert. (2017) Research Methods & Methodologies in education. 2nd ed. London: SAGE LB/1028/R31/2017
Adanza, Estela G. (2009) Methods of Research: A Primer .Manila: Rex Bookstore, F/ 001.42/ A19/ 2009 2 copies
Calmorin, Laurentina Paler. (2007) Research Methods and Thesis Writing. 2nd ed. Manila: Rex Bookstore, F/ 001.4/ C137/ 2007 5 copies
Acero, Victorino De Ocampo. (2006) Methods of Research. Manila: Rex Bookstore, F/ 001.42/ A35/ 2006 5 copies
Ariola, Mariano M. (2006) Principles and Methods of Research. Manila: Rex Book Store, F/ 001.42/ A43/ 2006 5 copies
McNeill, Patric. (2005) Research Methods. 3rd ed. London: Routledge, HM/251/N234/2005
Zulueta, Francisco M. (2003) Methods of Research Thesis-Writing and Applied Statistics. Mandaluyong City: National Bookstore, F/001.42/ Z84/ 2003
Calmorin, Laurentina Paler. (1995) Methods of Research and Thesis Writing. Mandaluyong City: Rex Bookstore, F/ 001.42/ C137/ 1995
Calderon, Jose F. (1993) Methods of Research and Thesis Writing. Mandaluyong City: National Book Store, F/ 001.42/ C127/ 1993 2 copies
Arnold, Roger A. (2023). Microeconomics. 14th ed. Boston, Massachusetts : Cengage, CIR/HB/172/A65/2023
Bade, Robin. (2019) Foundations of Microeconomics. 8th ed. Harlow, England: Pearson HB/172/B121/2019
Rosas, Maria Victoria U. (2009) Introduction to Microeconomics .Tondo: RVG Publishing FIL/HB/172/R714/2009
Pagoso, Cristobal. (2006) Introductory Microeconomics. 3rd ed. Manila: Rex Bookstore F/338.5/P149/2006 2 copies
O'Sullivan, Arthur. (2001) Microeconomics Principles and Tools. 2nd ed. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc., HB/172/O8/2001
Cole, Don. (1996) Microeconomics. 3rd ed. USA: Irwin, HB/172/M581/1996 2 copies
Stockman, Alan C. (1996) Introduction to Microeconomics. Fort Worth: The Dryden Press HB/172/S62/1996
Silberberg, Eugene. (1995) Principles of Microeconomics. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall Inc., HB/172/S32/1995
Pagoso, Cristobal M. (1994) Introductory Microeconomics. Manila: Rex Bookstore F/338.5/P149/1994
Prager, Jonas. (1993). Applied Microeconomics: An Intermediate Text. Homewood, Illinois: Irwin, HB/172/P884/1993
Frank, Robert H. (1991) Microeconomics and Behavior. New York: McGraw-Hill, HB/171.5/F851/1991
Henderson, J. Vernon. (1991) Principles of Microeconomics. Lexington, MA: D.C Health HB/171.5/ H83/1991 2 copies
Heyne, Paul. (1991) Microeconomics. 2nd ed. New York: Macmillan, HB/172/H517/1991
Pagoso, Cristobal M. (1988) Introductory Microeconomics. Manila: Rex Book store F/338.5/P149/1988
Varian, Hal R. (1987) Intermediate Microeconomics: A Modern Approach. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, HB/172/V34/1987
Chacholiades,Miltiades. (1986) Microeconomics. New York: Macmillan, HB/171.5/C46/1986
Hyman, David N. (1986) Modern Microeconomics: Analysis and Application. St.Louis: Times Mirror/Mosby College, HB/172/H96/1986
Mansfield, Edwin. (1986) Principles of Microeconomics. 5th ed. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, HB/172/M317/1986 2 copies
Thompson, Allen R. (1985) Microeconomics. Reading, Massachusetts: Addison-Wesley HB/172/T49/1985
Modern Political Theory
Vinod M.J. (2013) Contempory Political Theory. New Delhi: PHI Learning Private Limited, JA/66/V770/2013
Parliamentary Procedures
Philippine Economy
Sicat, Gerardo P.(2013) Weighing in on the Philippine Economy and Social Progress. Mandaluyong City: Anvil Pub. Inc., FIL/HC/455/S12/2013
Philippine Executive
Shambaugh George. (2016) The Art of Policy Making: Tools, Techniques in the Modern Executive Branch. 2nd ed. Los Angeles: Sage Publications, JK/468.P64/S17/2016
Drucker, Peter F. (2006) The Effective executive: the definitive guide to getting the right things done. New York: Harper Business, HD/38.25.U6/D78/2006
Carino, Isidro D. (1996) Transforming Local Government Executive into Effective Management. Manila: UP, F/320.0975/C191/1996
(1994) Who makes Public Policy? The Struggle for Control between Congress and the Executive Chatham. New Jersey: Chatham House Publishers, Inc., JK/585/W48/1994
Philippine Foreign Policy and Relation
(1992). Political Psychology and Foreign Policy. Boulder: Westview Press, JX/1255/P759/1992
Robinson, William I. (1992) A Faustitian Bargain: US Intervention in the Nicaraguan Elections and American Foreign Policy in the Post-Cold War Era. Boulder: Westview Press E/183.N5//R568/1992
Philippine Judiciary
Murphy Walter F. (1986) Courts, Judges, and Politics: An Introduction to the Judicial Process. 4th ed. New York McGraw-Hill, Inc. KF/8700/M8/1986
Phlippine Legislature
Philippine Political Thought
Vinod M.J. (2013) Contempory Political Theory. Delhi : PHI Learning Private Limited, JA/66/V770/2013
Hughes, Geoffrey. (2010). Political Correctness : a History of Semantics and Culture Wiley- Blackwell, BD/175.5/H874/2010.
Zagorski, Paul W. (2009) Comparative Politics : Continuity and Breakdown in the Contemporary World. London: Routledge, JF/51/Z12/2009
Gamer, Robert E. (1994) Governments and Politics in a Changing World. Madison, Wisconsin Brown& Benchmark Publishers, HM/33/G14/1994
Philippine Public Administration
(2012) The SAGE Handbook of Public Administration. 2nd ed. Los, Angeles: SAGE Reference JF/1351/S18/2012
Lazo, Ricardo S. (2011) Principle and Practice of Public Administration in the Philippines. Manila: Rex Bookstore, F/351.5995/L459/2011
Reyes, Vicente Chua Jr. (2009) Corruption and Implementation : Case Studies in Philippine Public Administration. Quezon City: National College of Public Administration and Governance, FIL/JQ/1409.5.C6/R330/2009
Ramani, Ranjan Kumar. (2008) Issues and Crises of Public Administration. New Delhi, India Cyber Tech Publications, JQ/200/R281/2008
(2008) Psychology of Public Administration. New Delhi, India: Alfa Publications JS/113/P959/2008
Jacob T. (2007) Public Administration. India: Aavishkar Publishers, Distributors JS/113/J150/2007
Bautista, Victoria A. (2003) Introduction to Public Administration in the Philippines: A Reader. 2nd ed. Quezon City: National College of Public Admistration Governance F/351/I8/2003
Bautista, Victoria A. (2003) Introduction to Public Administration in the Philippines: a Reader. 2nd ed. Quezon City: National College of Public Administration Governance F/351/I8/2003 2 copies
Tendero, Avelino. (2000) Theory and Practice of Public Administration in the Philippines. Manila FAFI, F/351.599/T252/2000
Nigro, Felix A. (1989) Modern Public Administration. 7th ed. New York: Harper & Row Publishers, JF/1351/N569/1989
Politics and Governance in South East Asia
Rourks, John T. (2016) Taking Sides: Clashing Views in World Politics.17th ed. McGraw-Hill, D/863.3/T139/2016
Holsti, K.J. (1998) International Politics : A Framework for Analysis. 7th ed. Prentice Hall Inc., D/31/H742/1998
Gamer, Robert E. (1994) Governments and Politics in a Changing World. Madison: Wisconsin Brown& Benchmark Publishers, HM/33/G14/1994
Politics of Culture, Cinema and Media
Anderson, Kelly. (2016) Documentary Voice & Vision: A Creative Approach to Nonfiction Media Production. New York: Taylor & Francis Group, PN/1995.9.D6/A23/2016
Zavattaro, Staci M.( 2016) Social Media for Government: Theory and Practice. New York: Taylor & Francis Group, JK/468.A8/S13/2016
Meikle, Graham.(2016) Social Media. New York: Taylor & Francis Group, HM/742/M476/2016
(2016) Sustainable Media: Critical Approaches to Media and Environment. New York: Routledge, P/96.E57/S82/2016
Voltmer, Katrin. (2013) The Media in Transitional Democracies Maiden. MA, USA: Polity Press P/95.8/V839/2013
Ahluwalia, J. P. 2012. Sociology of Modern Media and Everyday Life. New Delhi, India: Altar Publishing House, P/94.6/A48/2012
Baran, Stanley J. (2012) Introduction to Mass Communication: Media Literacy and Culture7th Ed. New York, New: McGraw-Hill, P/90/B231/2012
Dayal, Kameshawr. (2011) Media Occupations & Professionals: Guidelines for Career Opportunities New Delhi, India: Cyber Tech Publications, P/60/D334/2011
Baran, Stanley J. (2011) Introduction to Mass Communication: Media Literacy and Culture. 6th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, P/90/B231/2011
Bernardez, Edisteo B. (2011) A Handbook on Campus Journalism and the Printed Media. Malabon City: Jimczyville Publications, F/070/B457/2011
Hughes, Geoffrey.(2010) Political Correctness : a History of Semantics and Culture. Wiley-Blackwell BD/175.5/H874/2010
Roskin Michael G. (2009) Countries and Concept: Politics, Geography, Culture. 10th ed. New York: Pearson Education, Inc. JF/51/R731/2009
Christians, Clifford G. (2005) Media Ethics: Cases and Moral Reasoning. 7th ed. Boston: Pearson P/94/M468/2005
Bertrand, Ina. (2005) Media Research Methods: Audiences, Institutions, Texts. New York : Palgrave Macmillan, P/96/B463/2005
(2004) Media and Local Government: Corruption and Access to Information Center for International Private Enterprise. FIL/PN/4748.P6/M468/2004
Pember, Don R. (2003) Mass Media Law. Boston: McGraw-Hill, P/96/P369/2003
(2002) Children, Young People and Media Globalisation. Sweden: The UNESCO International Clearinghouse on Children, Youth and Media, HC/79/C436/2002
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Political Parties and Party System
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Public and Fiscal Administration
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Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Political…
Special Topic in the Philippine Government
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