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College of Arts and Sciences
List of books in SOCIAL WORK

Fields of Social Work

Knott, Christine ed. (2016) Reflective Practice in Social Work. 4th ed.  Los Angeles:  SAGE Publication  Inc. HV/40/R259/2016

Rehr,Helen. (2006)The Social Work- Medicine Relationship: 100 Years at Mount Sinai. New York: The Haworth Press, HV/688/R629/2006

Filipino Personality and Social Work

Johns, Robert. (2016) Ethics and Law for Social Workers. Los Angeles:  SAGE, HV/10.5/J626/2016

Human Resource Development

Glazko, Nikolay. (2015) Human Resource in the Age of Globalization.  Arcler Press HF/5549.5.M3/H880/2015

Lynton, Rolf P. (1990) Training for Development. 2nd ed. United States of America:  Kumarian Press HF/5549.5.T7L9/1990

Gilley, Jerry W. (1989) Principle of Human Resource Development.  Massachusetts:  Addison-Wesley HF/5549.5/G55/1989

Knowledge & Philosophical Foundations of Social Work Profession

Segal, Elizabeth A. (2010) An Introduction to the Profession of Social Work: Becoming a Change Agent. 3rd ed.  Australia: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, HV/40/S37/2010 2 copies

Philippine Social Realities and Social Welfare

Hamdani, Chayma  ed. (2015) Social Welfare Handbook.  New Jersey:  Chanrye International HV/393/S13/2015

Schiele, Jerome H. ed. (2011) Social Welfare Policy: Regulation and Resistance Among People of Color California:  SAGE Publishing, Inc. HV/40/S13/2011

Mendoza, Thelma Lee. (2002) Social Welfare and Social Work. Quezon City:  Mega Books Company F/361/M523/2002

Jansson, Bruce S. (1997) The Reluctant Welfare State : American Social Welfare Policies-Past, Present and Future. 3rd ed. Pacific Grove, California: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, HN/57/J25/1997

Zastrow, Charles. (1996) Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare. 6th  ed.  Pacific Grove, California:  Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, HV/91/Z37/1996

Social Change and Development Perspectives

 (2012) Using a Positive Lens to Explore Social Change and Organizations : Building a Theoretical and Research Foundation. New York: Routledge, HM/831/U4/2012

Silvereisen, Rainer K. ed. (2007) Approaches to Positive Youth Development. London: SAGE Publications Ltd., HV/1431/A65/2007


Social Deviation and Social Work

Beckett, Chris. (2016) Essential theory for Social Work Practice. 2nd ed. Los Angeles: SAGE, HV/40/B388/2016

Knott, Christine ed. (2016) Reflective Practice in Social Work. 4th ed.  Los Angeles:  SAGE Publication  Inc. HV/40/R259/2016

McCoyd, Judith  L.M. (2016) Social Work in Health Setting: Practice in Context.4th ed.  London:  Routledge, RA/395.A3/S13/2016

Backwith, Dave. (2015) Social Work, Poverty and Social Exclusion.  England: Open University Press HV/40/B128/2015

Hatton, Kieron. (2015) New Directions in Social Work Practice. 2nd ed.  Los Angeles:  SAGE, HV/245/H289/2015

Hepworth, Dean H. et. Al. (2013) Direct Social work Practice: theory and Skills. 9th ed. Australia: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, HV/40/D628/2013

Nelson, Anna. (2012) Social Work with Substance users.  London:  SAGE Publications Ltd, HV/5800/N331/2012 3 copies

Ray, Mo. (2012) Social Work with Older People. 5th ed.  New York:  Palgrave Macmillan HV/1481/R212/2012

Beckett, Chris. (2006) Essential theory for Social Work Practice.  London:  SAGE Publications HV/40/B391/2006

Trevithick, Pamela. (2005) Social Work Skills:  A Practice Handbook. 2nd ed.  England:  Open University Press, HV/40/T729/2005

(1992) Social Problems 92/93. 20th ed.  Guilford, Connecticut:  The Dushkin Publishing Group Inc., HN/51/A78/1992

(1992) Social Problems 93/94. 21st ed. Guilford, Connecticut:  The Dushkin Publishing Group Inc., HN/51/A78/1992

(1991) Soviet Social Problems. Boulder:  Westview Press, HN/523.5/S665/1991

 (1991) Social Problems 91/92. 19th ed.  Guilford, Connecticut:  The Dushkin Publishing Group Inc., HN/51/An78/1991

Henslin, James M. (1990) Social Problems. 2nd ed.  New Jersey: Prentice Hall, HM/51/H3979/1990

Social Environment and Social Work: The Family, Group, Community and Organizations

Hepworth, Dean H. et. al (2013) Direct Social work Practice: theory and Skills. 9th ed. Australia: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, HV/40/D628/2013

Hardman Michael L. (1990) Human Exceptionality: Society, School, and Family. 3rd ed.  Boston:  Allyn and Bacon,  HV/1568/H37/1990

Social Welfare Agency and Administration

Tsui,Ming -Sum. (2005) Social Work Supervision: Contexts and Concepts.  California:  SAGE Publications, Inc. HV/40.54/T789/2005

Social Welfare Policies Programs and Services

Knott, Christine  ed. (2016) Reflective Practice in Social Work. 4th ed.  Los Angeles:  SAGE Publication  Inc. HV/40/R259/2016

Jansson, Bruce S. (2011) Becoming  an Effective Policy Advocate from Policy Practice to Social Justice.Australia: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning, HV/40/J267/2011

Schiele, Jerome H. ed. (2011) Social Welfare Policy: Regulation and Resistance among People of Color. California: SAGE Publication, Inc. HV/40/S13/2011

Jenson, Jeffrey M, ed. (2011) Social Policy for children and Families. 2nd ed.  Los Angeles: SAGE, HV/741/S13/2011

Social Welfare Program/Project Monitoring and Evaluation

Hamdani, Chayma  ed. (2015) Social Welfare Handbook.  New Jersey:  Chanrye International HV/393/S13/2015

Schiele, Jerome H. ed. (2011) Social Welfare Policy: Regulation and Resistance Among People of Color California:  SAGE Publishing, Inc. HV/40/S13/2011

Mendoza, Thelma Lee. (2002) Social Welfare and Social Work. Quezon City:  Mega Books Company F/361/M523/2002

Jansson, Bruce S. (1997) The Reluctant Welfare State : American Social Welfare Policies-Past, Present and Future. 3rd ed. Pacific Grove, California: Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, HN/57/J25/1997

Zastrow, Charles. (1996) Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare. 6th ed.  Pacific Grove, California:  Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, HV/91/Z37/1996

Social Welfare Project/Program Development and Management

Social Work Communication 

Knott, Christine  ed. (2016) Reflective Practice in Social Work. 4th ed.  Los Angeles:  SAGE Publication  Inc. HV/40/R259/2016

Social Work Community Education and Training

Social Work Counselling

Miller, Lisa. (2012) Counselling Skills for social work. 2nd ed. Los Angeles:  SAGE HV/40.35/M615/2012

Goldenberg, Herbert. (1993) Counseling Today's Families. 2nd ed. California:  Brooks/Cole Publishing Company, HV/699/G65/1993

Social Work Documentation

Kagle, Jill Doner. (1991) Social Work Records. 2nd ed.  California:  Wadsworth Publishing Company, HV/43/K271991

Social Work Entrepreneurship

Social Work Practice with Communities

Beckett, Chris. (2016) Essential theory for Social Work Practice. 2nd  ed. Los Angeles: SAGE, HV/40/B388/2016

Segal, Elizabeth A. (2010). An Introduction to the Profesion of Social Work: Becoming a Change Agent. 3rd ed. Australia: Brooks/Cole Cengage Learning,     HV/40/S37/2010 2copies

Social Work Practice with Groups

Knott, Christine  ed. (2016)Reflective Practice in Social Work. 4th ed. Los Angeles: SAGE Publication  Inc.,  HV/40/R259/2016

McCoyd, Judith  L.M. (2016) Social Work in Health Setting: Practice in Context. 4th ed. London: Routledge,     RA/395.A3/S13/2016

Nelson, Anna. (2012) Social Work with Substance Users. London: SAGE Publications Ltd, HV/5800/N331/2012 3 copies

Zastrow, Charles. (2009) Social Work with Groups: A comprehensive Workbook. 6th ed.  Australia Thomson, HV/49/Z19/2009

Social Work Practice with Individuals and Families

Hatton, Kieron. (2015) New Directions in Social Work Practice.  2nd ed. Los Angeles:  SAGE HV/245/H289/2015

Ray, Mo. (2012) Social Work with Older People.5th ed.  New York: Palgrave Macmillan HV/1481/R212/2012

McCoyd, Judith  L.M. (2016) Social Work in Health Setting: Practice in Context. 4th ed. London: Routledge, RA/395.A3/S13/2016

Beckett, Chris. (2016) Essential theory for Social Work Practice. 2nd ed. Los Angeles:  SAGE HV/40/B388/2016

Hatton, Kieron. (2015) New Directions in Social Work Practice. 2nd ed.  Los Angeles:  SAGE HV/245/H289/2015

Social Work Research I

Corti,Louise and Sharing Research Data: A Guide to Good Practice. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications Ltd.     H/62//M311/2014

Denicolo, Pam. (2012) Developing Research Proposal. London: SAGE Publications Ltd. H/62/D415/2012

Somekh, Bridget. (2011) Theory and Methods in Social Research. 2nd ed. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications Ltd.,     H/61/T343/2011

Wysocki, Diane Kholos. (2008) Readings in Social Research Methods.  3rd ed.  Ausralia Thomson,       HM/571/W989/2008

Social Work Research 2

Corti,Louise (2014)Managing and Sharing Research Data: A Guide to Good Practice.Los Angeles: SAGE Publications Ltd.,     H/62//M311/2014

Somekh, Bridget. (2011) Theory and Methods in Social Research. 2nd ed. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications Ltd.,     H/61/T343/2011

Greener, Ian. (2011)Designing Social Research: A Guide for the Bewildered. Los Angeles: SAGE Publications Ltd.,     H/61/G836/2011

Letherby, Gayle ed, (2007) Extending Social Research: Application, Implementation and Publication. England: McGraw-Hill, H/62/E84/2007

Social Work Statistics

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