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Library Clearance 



All patrons with Library accountability are required to settle their delinquencies to have their clearances. Employees who are resigning or taking a long vacation leave or travelling abroad must secure a Library clearance.

Refusal or failure to settle Library accounts process

Any person who after due notice shall refuse or fail without just cause to settle Library accounts or obligations:

a.   shall not be allowed to register

b.   shall not be permitted to use the University libraries

c.    shall not be issued a University clearance.

Issuance of clearance

For students:

a.   Students ask for clearance (any kind)

b.   Library staff checks integrated overdue list.

  1. Library staff ask student to settle accountability, if with accountability.

  2. When book is returned, follow process in handling overdue books

  3. Customer Service Librarian / College Librarian signs clearance if clear.

 For faculty and staff

     a. Follow issuing of clearance for student process a and b

     b. If clear, librarian and chief librarian sign the clearance.

     i. In the absence of Chief Librarian, the College/ Department Librarian                signs the clearance if clear.

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