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List of Books in SCIENCE

Analytic Chemistry

Jacob, Robert F. (2011). Manufacturing Planning and Control for Suply Chain Management. 6 th ed. New
York. McGraw-Hill Irwin. TS/176/M319/2011

Nakamichi, Tomoko. (2007). Pattern Magic 2. United Kingdom. Laurence King Publishing Ltd.;

Atkins, P.W. (1990). Solutions Manual for Physical Chemistry. 4 th ed. New York. W.H. Freeman and
Company. QD/450/A53/1990

Vollman, Thomas E. (1988). Manufacturing Planning and Control Systems. 2 nd ed. USA. Irwin

Brown, William H. (1987). Laboratory Manual for General Organic and Biochemistry. 3 rd ed. Monterey.
Brooks/ Cole Publishing Company. QH/347.7/L111/1987

Anatomy and Physiology

Marieb, Elaine N. (2023). Human anatomy & physiology. 12th ed. United Kingdom : Pearson Education
Limited, CIR/QP/34.5/M338/2023

Netter, Frank H. (2023). Netter atlas of human anatomy : classic regional approach. 8th ed. Philadelphia,
Pennsylvania : Elsevier, CIR/QM/25/N387/2023 2 copies

Roiger, Deborah. (2023). Anatomy, physiology, and disease : foundations for the health professions. 3rd
ed. New York : McGraw-Hill, CIR/QM/32/R637/2023

Patton, Kevin T. (2013). Laboratory Manual Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology. 8 th ed. New York. Mc
Graw Hill. QP/44/P278/2013

Marieb, Elaie N. (2009). Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology Laboratory Manual. 4 th ed.
Singapore. Pearson. QP/44/M337/2009

Marieb, Elaine N. (2009) Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology. 9 th ed. Singapore. Pearson.

Salandalan, Kenneth S. (2007). Anatomy and Physiology: the unity of form and function. 4 th ed. New
York. McGraw Hill. QP/41/S31/2007

Donnersberger, Anne B. (2005). A Laboratory Textbook of Anatomy and Physiology. 8 th ed. Boston. Jones
& Bartlett Publishers. QP/ 44/D719/2005

Assessment of Learning I

Heritage, Margaret. (2020). The power of assessment for learning : twenty years of research
and practice in UK and US classroom .Thousand Oaks, California : Corwin, A Sage Company, CIR/LB/3051/H225/2020 

Steventon, Graham. 2016. Student Attaintment in Higher Education. London. Routledge Taylor & Francis

Group. LA/ 637/S94/2016 

2011. The Farm Level Impact of the Techno Gabay Program: Assessment, Evidences, and Implications.
Los, Banos Laguna. Department of Science and Technology.

Dew, John Robert. 2004. Continous Quality Improvement in Higher Education. Westport, Connecticut.
American Council on Education Praeger. LB/2341/D510/2004

Airasian, Peter W. 2001. Classroom Assessment: Concepts & Application 4 th Ed. Boston McGraw-Hill.

Hashway, Robert M. 1998. Assessment and Evaluation of Developmental Learning. Westport,
Connecticut. Praeger. LB/3051/H357/1998

1990. Teaching Strategies: A Guide to Better Instruction 3 rd Ed. Lexington Massachusetts. D.C. Health
and Co.; LB/1025/T22/1990

Assessment of Learning 2

Heritage, Margaret. (2020). The power of assessment for learning : twenty years of research
and practice in UK and US classroom .Thousand Oaks, California : Corwin, A Sage
Company, CIR/LB/3051/H225/2020

Mitchell, Sephen A. (2016). The Essentials of Teaching Physical Education: Curriculum, Instruction, and
Assessment. Virginia. Shape American-Society of Health and Physical Educators.

Peler-Carmorin, Laurentina. (2011). Assessment of Student Learning 1. 1 st ed. Philippines. Rex
Lenski, Susan. (2010). Writing Instruction and Assessment for English Language Learners K-8.
New York. The Guilford Press. LB/1576/L549/2010

Wortham, Sue C. (2010). Early Childhood Curriculum; Development Bases for Learning and Teaching.
Boston. Pearson. LB/1139.4/W899/2010

(2008). Assessment Incredibly Easy. Philadelphia. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins;


(2016). Earth & Life Science. Philippines. McGraw-Hill. QH/ 324.9S6/E76/2016

Hester, R.E. (2014). Goengineering of the Climate System. United Kingdom. The Royal Society of
Chemistry. TD/171.9/G290/2014

Hester, Jeff. (2007). 21 st Century Astronomy. 2 nd ed. New York. W.W. Norton & Company.

Hall, Michael C. (2005). Tourism, Recreation and Climate Change. Clevedon. Channel View

Eagleman, Joe R. (1985). Meteorology the atmosphere in action. 2 nd ed. USA. Wadsworth, Inc.


Wade, Leroy G. Jr., (2023). Organic chemistry. 10 th global ed. United Kingdom : Pearson Education
Limited, CIR/QD/251.2/W119/2023

Stoker, Stephen H. (2016). Biochemistry. Andover. Cengage Learning.

Campbell Peter N. ( 2005). Biochemistry Illustrated: Biochemistry And Molecular Biology In Post- Genomic Era. 5 th ed. Edinburgh. Elsevier. QH/345/C153/2005

(2000). Outline & Notes in Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry. Manila. UST Cooperative. F/547/G114/2000

Mathew, Christopher K. (1990). Biochemistry. California. The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company. QP/514.2/M384/1990

Layug, Evangeline Aquino. Biochemistry: Lecture Guide and Laboratory Manual. F/572.078/L455
Building & Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum
Couper, Llyween. (2019). Learning and connecting in school playgrounds : using the playground as a
curriculum resource. Oxon Routledge, CIR/LB/3251/C832/2019

Mitchell, Stephen A. (2016). The Essentials of Teaching Physical Education: Curriculum, Instruction,
and Assessment. Virginia. Shape American-Society of Health and Physical Educators.

Worthham, Sue C. (2010). Early Childhood Curriculum Development Bases for Learning and Teaching.
5 th ed. New Jersey. Pearson Education, Inc. LB/1139.4/W899/2010

Stiehl, Ruth. (2008). The Outcomes Primer: Reconstructing the College Curriculum. 3 rd ed. Canada.
The Learning Org. LB/2806.15/S52/2008

Gross, Patricia A. (1997). Joint Curriculum Design: Facilitating Learner Ownership and Active
Participation in Secondary Classrooms. Mahwah, New Jersey. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates,
Publishers. LB/2806.15/G68/1997

Jewett, Ann E. (1995). The Curriculum Process in Physical Education. 2 ND ed. Boston, Massachusetts
Burr Ridge, Wm C. Brown Communication Inc. GV/201/J551/1995

Cell and Molecular Biology

Haq, Imran UI. (2023). Phytomycology and molecular biology at plant-pathogen inter-actions. Boca
Raton, Florida : CRC Press, CIR/SB/732.7/H211/2023

Melton, Vanessa. (2020). Molecular biology. New York : Syrawood Publishing House,

Lieberman, Michael A. (2014). Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Genetics. 6 th ed. Philadelphia.
Wolters Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; QP/518.3/L621/2014

Devlin, Thomas M. (2011). Textbook of Biochemistry with Clinical Correlations. Hoboken, New Jersey.
John Wiley & Sons Inc.; QP/514.2/ T314/2011

Harvey, Richard A. (2011). Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews: Biochemistry. 5 th ed. Philadelphia. Wolters
Kluwer Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. QP/514.2/ H262/2011

Babor, Eddie R. (2010). Bioethics: A Philosophical Journey and a Critical Analysis into the Life
Sciences: A Guide to Healthcare Providers. 2 nd ed. Quezon City. C & E Publishing Inc.;

Campbell, Peter N. (2005). Biochemistry Illustrated: Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Post-
Genomic Era. 5 th ed. Edinburgh. Elsevier. QH/345/C153/2005
Earth Sciences
Duyunan, Joselito P. (2016). Earth and Life Science. Quezon City. C & E Publishing Inc.;
Caballes, Dennis G. (2014). Earth Science. F/550/E76/2014
Braganza, Ma. Chona. (2005). Earth Science. Manila Rex Bookstore; F/550/B730/2005
Acero, Victorina D. (2004). Human Growth Development and Learning. Manila. Rex Bookstore;

Realuyo, Zenaida M. (1982). Today’s Basic Concepts in Earth Science. F/550/R229/1962
Electricity and Magnetism
Montecillo, Juliet B. (2006). Lecture Guide in Electricity, Magnetism & Optics.
Bantilaan, Monica M. (2002). Physics Laboratory Manual in Heat Electricity & Magnetism. Manila. Rex
Bookstore. F/530/C281/2002
Alerich Walter N. (1996). Electricity 3 Power Generation and Delivery. 6 th ed. Albany. Delmar
Herman, Stephen L. (1996). Electricity and Controls for Heating, Ventilating, and Air Conditioning. 3 rd
ed. Albany. Delmar Publisher. TK/ 4035.A35/H47/1996
Fowler, Richard J. (1994). Electricity Principles and Applications. 4 th ed. New York. Glencoe McGraw-
Hill. QC/523/F74/1994
Education Competency Assessment
Heritage, Margaret. (2020). The power of assessment for learning : twenty years of research and practice
in UK and US classroom .Thousand Oaks, California : Corwin, A Sage Company,
Syjuco, Augusto Boboy. (2006). Career Guidance in Ladderized Education for Filipino
Empowerment, F/371.425/S41/2006 3 copies
Entrepreneurial Mind
(2019). Social Entrepreneurship: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications. Hershey,
PA. : IGI Global, (E-Book)
Tantau, Adrian Dumitro. (2018). Entrepreneurship and Business Development in the Renewable
Energy Sector. Hershey, PA: IGI Global, (E-Book)
Paul Jones. (2017). Entrepreneurship Education: New Perspectives on Entrepreneurship
Education Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing, (E-Book)
(2017). Principles of Business: Entrepreneurship. Ipswich, MA: Salem Press/Grey House,
Aduana, Nick L.(2016). Entrepreneurship in the Philippine Setting for Senior High School
Quezon City: C&E Publishing Inc., F/338.04/A91/2016 3 copies
Scarborough, Norman M.(2013). Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business
Management. 6th ed. Boston: Pearson, HD/62.7/S72/2013 3 copies
Bamford, Charles E. (2011). Entrepreneurship: A Small Business Approach. Boston: McGraw
Hill, HD/62.5/B219/2011 3 copies
Asor, Winefreda B. (2009). Entrepreneurship in the Philippine Settings. Manila: Rex Bookstore,

F/338.04/A59/2009 2 copies

Ditablan, Eustaquio C.(2009). Entrepreneurship Unlimited Opportunities & Resources
Mandaluyong: National Bookstore, F/338.04/D634/2009
McAfee, Andrew.(2009) Entrepreneurship 2.0. U.S.A.:Harvard Business Press,
Hisrich, Robert D.(2008). Entrepreneurship.7 th ed. Boston: McGraw Hill, HB/615/H629/2008
3 copies
Frederick, Howard H.(2007). Entrepreneurship. Australia: Thomson,

Kuratko/ Hodgetts. (2007). Entrepreneurship: Theory, Process, Practice. 7th ed. Australia:
Thomson, HB/615/K87/2007
Timmons, Jeffrey A.(2007). New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century.7 th
ed. Boston: McGraw-Hill, HB/62.5/T485/2007
Camposano, Jorge A. (2006). Entrepreneurship for Modern Business. Manila: National
Bookstore, F/338.04/C157/2006 3 copies
Azarcon. (2005). Entrepreneurship Principles & Practices :A Modular Approach. Baguio City:
Valencia Educational Supply, F/338.04/E86/2005
Hisrich, Robert D.(2005). Entrepreneurship. 6th ed. Boston: McGraw Hill/ Irwin,
Medina, Roberto G.(1996). Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management. Manila: Rex
Bookstore, F/338.04/M476/1996 3 copies
Entrepreneurship in Education
(2018). Business Education and Ethics: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications.
Hershey, PA Business Science Reference, E-BOOK
Paul Jones. (2017). Entrepreneurship Education: New Perspectives on Entrepreneurship
Education Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing E-BOOK
(2017). Principles of Business: Entrepreneurship. Ipswich, MA Salem Press/Grey House,
Environmental Science
Unday, Joel E. (2015). Introduction to Environmental Science. Valenzuela. Mutya Publishing House Inc.
Lee, Sergio J. (2010). Lecture Notes in Environmental Science: The Economy of Nature and Ecology of
Man. 2 nd ed. Quezon City. C& E Publishing Inc. F/301.31/L515/2010
Andaya, Cynthia V. (2008). Understanding the Earth through Environmental Science. Quezon City.
C & E Publishing Inc. F/363.7/A22/2008
Catchillar, Gery C. (2008). Fundamentals of Environmental Science. Mandaluyong. National Bookstore.
Deauna, Malecio G. (1996). Environmental Science for Philippine Schools. Quezon City. Phoenix
Publishing House Inc. F/363.7/D349/1996
Hartl, Daniel L. (2014). Essential Genetics. 6 th ed. USA. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
Lewis, Ricky. (2013). Human Genetics Concepts and Applications. 10 th ed. New York. McGraw Hill.
Lewis, Ricky. (2010). Human Genetics Concepts and Applications. 9 th ed. New York. McGraw Hill.
Maroni, Gustavo. (1993). An Atlas of Drosophilia Genes: Sequences and Molecular Features. New York.
Oxford University Press. QL/537/M347/1993
Russell, Peter. (1990). Genetics. 2 nd ed. Glenview. Illinois. Scott, Foresman and Company.
Facilitating Learner Centered Teaching

Lim, Fei Victor. (2023). Designing learning for multimodal literacy : teaching viewing and
representing. New York : Routledge, CIR/LB/1580.S56/L628/2023
Perzigian, Aaron. (2023). Multicultural special education for inclusive classrooms : inter
sectional teaching and learning. New York : Routledge,

Glazzard, Jonathan. (2019). Teaching and supporting children with Special educational needs
and disabilities in primary schools. 3rd ed. Thousand Oaks, California : SAGE
Publications Inc., CIR/LC/3997/G469/2019
Roblyer, M.D. (2010). Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching. 5 TH ed. Boston. Allyn and
Bacon, Inc. LB/1028.3/R573/2010
Fox, Richard. (2005). Teaching & Learning: Lessons from Psychology. Maiden, MA, USA. Blackwell
Publishing. LB/1025.3/F833/2005
Mager, Robert F. (1997). Preparing Instructional Objectives: A Critical Tool in the Development of
Effective Instruction. 3 RD ed. Atlanta, Georgia. CEP Press. LB/1027.4/ M272/1997
Zehm, Stanley J. (1993). On Being a Teacher: The Human Dimension. Newbury Park, California. SAGE
Publication Co. LB/1025.3/Z44/1993
Biehler, Robert F. (1986). Psychology Applied of Teaching. 5 TH ed. Boston. Houghton Mifflin Company.
Field Study 1
Serrano, Ruby A. (2014). Field Study 1- The Learner’s Development and Environment. Malabon City.
Mutya Publishing House, Inc. F/372.1261/F461/2014
Agno, Lydia N. (2008). Building Bridges Across Disciplines in Basic Education. Quezon City. C & E
Publishing, Inc. F/375.001/A66/2008
Barraceros, Esther L. (2005). Communication Skills I Improving Study and Thinking Skills. Manila. Rex
Bookstore. F/372.6/B230/2005
Barraceros, Esther L. (2000). Communication Skills II Developing Basic Research and Writing Skills.
Manila. Rex Bookstore; F/372.6/B230/2000
Alcantara, Rebecca D. 1996. Teaching Strategies 1. Quezon City. Katha Publishing Co, Inc.
Field Study 2
Corpuz, Brenda B. (2010). Field Study 2 Experiencing the Teaching Learning Process. Quezon City.
Lorimar Publishing, Inc. F/370.7302/C817/2010
Bago, Adelaida L. (2008). Supervision of Instruction the Philippine Perspective. Quezon City.
C&E Publishing, Inc. F/371.2/B147/2008
Linao, Rex T. (2004). Community Immersion. Quezon City. F/370.1931/L632/2004
Borobo, Milagros Lim. My Practice Teaching Handbook and Portfolio. Quezon City. Lorimar Publishing
Inc. F/370.733/B644/2010
Lardizabal, Amparo S. (1999). Theory and Practice in Student Teaching. Quezon City. Katha Publishing,
Co. Inc. F/370.733/L322/1999
Fluid Mechanics
Beer, Ferdinand P. (2013). Vector Mechanics for Engineers Dynamics. 10 th ed. New York. McGraw-Hill
Education (Asia). TA/350/B392/2013
Pytel, Andrew. (2011). Understanding Engineering Mechanics: Statics. Australia. Cengage Learning.

Pytel, Andrew. (2011). Understanding Engineering Mechanics: Dynamics. Australia. Cengage Learning.
Janna, William S. (1993). Introduction to Fluid Mechanics. Boston. PWS-Kent Publishing Company.
McLean. (1987). Theory and Problems of Engineering Mechanics Statics and Dynamics. 4 th ed. New
McGraw-Hill Book Company. TA/350.M223/1987
Foundation for Special & Inclusive Education
Earley, James B. (2023). A practical approach to special education administration : creating
positive outcomes for students with different abilities. Thousand Oaks, California :
SAGE Company, CIR/LC/3981/E76/2023
Giardiello, Patricia. (2023). Pioneers in early childhood education : the roots and legacies of
Charlotte Mason, Rachel and Margaret McMillan, Maria Montessori and Susan. 2nd ed.
New York : Routledge, CIR/LB/1775.6/G349/2023
Kizel, Arie. (2023). Philosophy with children and teacher education : global perspectives on
critical, creative and caring thinking. New York : Routledge,

Morel, Gwendolyn M. (2023). Foundations of educational technology : integrative approaches
and interdisciplinary perspectives. 3rd ed. Oxon : Routledge,
Perzigian, Aaron. (2023). Multicultural special education for inclusive classrooms : inter
sectional teaching and learning. New York : Routledge,

Semel, Susan F. (2023). Foundations of education : essential texts and new directions. 2nd ed.
New York : Routledge, CIR/LC/191.4/S52/2023
Agudo, Juan De Dios Martinez.(2020). Quality in TESOL and teacher education : from a results
culture towards a quality culture. Oxon : Routledge,

Glazzard, Jonathan. (2019). Teaching and supporting children with Special educational needs
and disabilities in primary schools. 3rd ed. Thousand Oaks, California : SAGE
Publications Inc., CIR/LC/3997/G469/2019
Frederickson, Norah. (2015). Special Educational needs, inclusion and diversity. 3rd ed.
England: Open University Press, LC/3736.G7/F873/2015
Glazzard, Jonathan. (2015). Teaching and Supporting Children with Special Educational Needs
& Disabilities in Primary Schools. 2 nd ed. Los Angeles. Sage; LC/4019.3/T220/2015
Bayat, Mojdeh. (2012). Teaching Exceptional Children. New York, New York. McGraw-Hill;
Dano Cup, O’ Beriones. (2010). Classroom Management Preparing Special Education
Teachers. Lorimar Publishing Inc. F/371.1024/D233/2010
Wortham, Sue C. (2010). Early Childhood Curriculum; Development Bases for Learning and
Teaching. Boston. Pearson. LB/1139.4/W899/2010
South-Paul Jeanette E. (2008). Current Diagnosis & Treatment in Family Medicine. 2 nd ed. New
York. McGraw Hill. R/729.5/C936/2008
Mah, Ronald. (2007). Difficult Behavior in Early Childhood: Positive Discipline for PreK-3
Classrooms and Beyond. Thousand Oaks, California. Sage Publication Co.;

Meece, Judith L. (1997). Child and Adolescent Development for Educators. New York. McGraw-
Hill; LB/1115/M470/1997
Townsend-Butterworth, Diana. (1992). Your Child First School. New York. Walker and Co;
Heward, William L. (1988). Exceptional Children: An Introductory Survey of Special Education.
3 rd ed. Colombus Merrill Publishing Co.; LB/792.2/H49/1988
Lewis, Ricky. (2013). Human Genetics Concepts and Applications. 10 th ed. New York. McGraw-Hill.
Lewis, Ricky. (2010). Human Genetics Concepts and Applications. 9 th ed. New York. McGraw-Hill.
Radford, D.J. A. (1995). A Primer of Genetics. Singapore. Longman Publishers;
Russell, Peter. (1990). Genetics. 2 nd ed. Glenview, Illinois. Scott, Foresman and Company.
Suzuki, David T. (1989). An Introduction to Genetic Analysis. 4 th ed. New York. W.H. Freeman and
Company. HQ/430/.I62/1989
Inorganic Chemistry
Zumdahl, Steven S. (2014). Experimental Chemistry: Laboratory Manual. 9 th ed. Andover. Cengage
Learning. QD/45/Z85/2014
Miessler, Gary L. (2004). Inorganic Chemistry. 3 rd ed. Jurong, Singapore. Pearson Education, Inc.
Dulski, Thomas R. (1996). A Manual for the Chemical Analysis of Metals. Harbor Drive. ASTM
Publications. QD/132/D889/1996
Butler, Ian S. (1989). Inorganic Chemistry: Principles and Applications. Redwood City. The
Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc. QD/151.2/B88/1989
Gilreath, Esmarch. (1958). Fundamental Concepts of Inorganic Chemistry. New York. McGraw-Hill.
(2016). Earth & Life Science. Philippines. McGraw-Hill. QH/ 324.9S6/E76/2016
Hester, R.E. (2014). Goengineering of the Climate System. United Kingdom. The Royal Society of
Chemistry. TD/171.9/G290/2014
Hall, Michael C. (2005). Tourism, Recreation and Climate Change. Clevedon. Channel View
Haley, James. (2002). Global Warming opposing viewpoints. USA. Greenhaven Press, Inc.
QC/ 981.8G56/ G510/2002
Eagleman, Joe R. (1985). Meteorology the atmosphere in action. 2 nd ed. USA. Wadsworth, Inc.
Methods and Strategies in Teaching Science
Coe, Robert. (2017). Research Methods & Methodologies in Education. 2 nd ed. London. SAGE.

Atienza, Sonia Monzon. (2007). Student Teaching Worktext. Manila. Rex Bookstore.;
Cunningham, William P. (2006). Principles of Environmental Science: Inquiry and Applications. 3 rd ed.
Boston. McGraw-Hill Higher Education.. GF/1/C917/2006
Lardizabal, Amparo S. 1999. Theory and Practice in Student Teaching. Quezon City. Katha Publishing
Co, Inc. F/370.733/L322/1999
Calderon, Jose F. (1998). Principles & Practices of Teaching. Quezon City. Great Book Trading.

Microbiology & Parasitology
Bognot, Filipinas L. (2015). Laboratory Manual in Microbiology and Parasitology for. 2 nd ed. Quezon
City. C&E Publishing Inc. F/576.078/L113/2015
Cowan, Marjorie K. (2015). Microbiology: A Systems Approach. 4 th ed. New York. McGraw Hill;
Cruz, Jacinta B. (2014). Laboratory Manual in Parasitology for Allied Health Professions. Quezon City.
Maxcor Publishing House Inc. F/616.9/L113/2014
Engelkirk, Paul G. (2011). Burton’s Microbiology for the Health Sciences. 9 th ed. Philadelphia. Lippincott
Williams & Wilkins. QR/ 41.2/E32/2011
Tortora, Gerard J. (2010). Microbiology An Introduction. 10 th ed. San Francisco. Benjamin Cummings.
Modern Physics
Young, Hugh D. 2014. Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics with Modern Physics Technology
Update. 13 th ed. Singapore. Pearson. QC/21.3/Y85/2014/V.2
Ostdiek, Vern J. (2013). Inquiry Into Physics A Conceptual Approach. 7 th ed. Andover. Cengage
Young, Hugh D. 2013. Sears and Zemansky’s University Physics with Modern Physics Technology
Update. 13 th ed. Singapore. Pearson. QC/21.3/Y85/2012
Serway, Raymond A. (2012). Physics Fundamentals 2. Andover. Cengage Learning.
Bauer, Wolfgang. (2011). University Physics with Modern Physics. New York. McGraw-Hill.
Organic Chemistry
Principles of Teaching I
Corpuz, Brenda B. (2013). Principles of Teaching 1. 3 rd ed. Quezon City. Lorimar Publishing Inc.
Corpuz, Brenda B. (2011). Principles of Teaching 1. 2 nd ed. Quezon City. Lorimar Publishing Inc.
Agno, Lydia N. (2010). Principles of Teaching I A Modular Approach V.2. Quezon City. C & E
Publishing, Inc.F/371.3/A66/2010

Agno, Lydia N. (2009). Principles of Teaching I A Modular Approach V.1 Quezon City. C & E
Publishing, Inc. F/371.3/A66/2009 v.1
Acero, Victorina D. (2007). Principles of Teaching I. Manila. Rex Bookstore.

Principles of Teaching 2
Bilbao, Purita P. (2012). The Teaching Profession. 2 nd ed. Quezon City. Lorimar Publishing Inc.
Joven, Jose R. (2006). Teaching and Learning Logic. 1 st ed. Manila. Rex Bookstore.
Syjuco, Augusto Boboy. (2006). Career Guidance in Ladderized Education for Filipino Empowerment.
Corpuz, Brenda B. (2006). Principles of Teaching 2. Quezon City. Lorimar Publishing Inc.
Navarro, Rosita L. (1988). Principles of Teaching and Instructional Technology. Quezon City.
Katha Publishing Inc. F/371.33/936/1988
Gregorio, Herman C. (1976). Principles & Methods of Teaching. Quezon City. Papi Publishing.
Research in Teaching I
Candelaria, John Lee P. (2018). Readings in Philippine History. Manila. Rex Book Store.
Sebastian, Evelyn L. (2015). Business Communication with Fundamentals of Research. Manila.
Mindshapers Co. Inc.; FIL/HF/5718/S21/2015
Romero, Ma. Corona S. (2013). Philippine History: A Saga of Leadership in Governance with the
Constitution. San Mateo, Rizal. Thinkbook Enterprises. FIL/DS/668/R664/2013
Romualdez, Norberto. (2013) Bisayan Grammar and Notes on Bisayan Rhetoric and Poetics and Filipino
Dialectology. Manila. NCCA. FIL/PL6110.1/R666/2013
Manlapaz, Edna Zapanta. (2005). The New Anvil Guide to Research Paper Writing. Pasig City. Anvil
Publishing Inc.; FIL/LB/2369/M314/2005
Research in Teaching 2
Candelaria, John Lee P. (2018). Readings in Philippine History. Manila. Rex Book Store.
Sebastian, Evelyn L. (2015). Business Communication with Fundamentals of Research. Manila.
Mindshapers Co. Inc.; FIL/HF/5718/S21/2015
Romero, Ma. Corona S. (2013). Philippine History: A Saga of Leadership in Governance with the
Constitution. San Mateo, Rizal. Thinkbook Enterprises. FIL/DS/668/R664/2013
Romualdez, Norberto. (2013) Bisayan Grammar and Notes on Bisayan Rhetoric and Poetics and Filipino
Dialectology. Manila. NCCA. FIL/PL6110.1/R666/2013
Manlapaz, Edna Zapanta. (2005). The New Anvil Guide to Research Paper Writing. Pasig City. Anvil
Publishing Inc.; FIL/LB/2369/M314/2005
Technology for Teaching and Learning I

Morel, Gwendolyn M. (2023). Foundations of educational technology : integrative approaches
and interdisciplinary perspectives. 3rd ed. Oxon : Routledge,
Spector, J. Michael. (2015). Educational Technology Program and Project Evaluation. New York
Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. LB/1025.3/L544/2015
Corpuz, Brenda B. (2012). Educational Technology I. Quezon City. Lorimar Publishing Inc.
Lucido, Paz I. (2012). Educational Technology. 2 nd ed. Quezon City. Lorimar Publishing Inc.
Roblyer, M. D. (2010). Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching. 5 th ed. Boston Allyn
and Bacon, INC; LB/1028.3/R573/2010
Corpuz, Brenda B. (2008). Educational Technology I. Quezon City. Lorimar Publishing Inc.;
Garo, Candelaria. (2004). Teaching Educational Technology. Quezon City. Katha Publishing
Inc; F/371.3078/G190/2004
Lucido, Paz I. (1997). Educational Technology. Quezon City. Katha Publishing, Inc.;
Navarro, Rosita L. (1988). Principles of Teaching and Instructional Technology. Quezon City.
Katha Publishing Inc.; F/371.33/P936/1988
Technology for Teaching and Learning 2
Morel, Gwendolyn M. (2023). Foundations of educational technology : integrative approaches
and interdisciplinary perspectives. 3rd ed. Oxon : Routledge,
Spector, J. Michael. (2015). Educational Technology Program and Project Evaluation. New York.
Routledge Taylor & Francis Group; LB/1025.3/ L544/2015
Roblyer, M.D. (2010). Integrating Educational Technology into Teaching. 5 th ed. Boston. Allyn and
Bacon, Inc; LB/1028.3/R573/2010
Maddux, Cleborne D. (2001). Educational Computing: Learning with Tomorrow’s Technologies. 3 rd ed.
Boston. Allyn and Bacon, Inc. LB/1028.5/M136/2001
Bromley & Apple. (1998). Education/ Technology/ Power: Educational Computing as a Social Practice.
New York. State University of NY Press, Albany. LB/1028.43/E83/1998
Beaver, John F. (1992). Microsoft Works for Educators on the Macintosh. Pacific Grove, California.
Brooks/Cole Publishing Co. LB/1028.46/B43/1992
The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
Frydenberg, Erica. (2019). Adolescent Coping: Promoting Resiience and Well-Being. 3rd ed.
London: Routledge,
Taylor, Elizabeth R.(2019). Solution- Focused Therapy with Children and Adolescents: Creative
and Play- Based Approaches. New York: Routledge,
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