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Anatomy and Physiology of Human Movement

Patton, Kevin T. (2013). Laboratory Manual Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology. 8 th ed. New York.
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Marieb, Elaine N. (2009). Essen

tials of Human Anatomy & Physiology. 9 th ed. Singapore. Pearson.

Salandalan, Kenneth S. (2007). Anatomy and Physiology: the unity of form and function. 4 th ed. New
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Schilling, Judith A. (2001). Anatomy & Physiology: made Incredibly Easy. Spring House.

Van De Graaff, Kent M. (1997). Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Human Anatomy and
Physiology. 2 nd ed. New York. McGraw-Hill. QP/41/V281/1997

Applied Motor Control and Learning of Exercises Sports and Dance
Joyce, David. (2016). Sports Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation. London. Routledge.

Ives, Jeffrey C. (2014). Motor Behavior: Connecting Mind and Body for Optimal Performance.
Philadelphia. Wolters Kluwer; RC/1235/I3/2014

Wuest, Deborah A. (2009). Foundation of Physical Education, Exercise Science, and Sport. 16 th ed. 1221
Avenue of the Americas, New York. Glass, William R. GV/341/W953/2009

McMahon, Patrick J. (2007). Current Diagnosis and Treatment in Sports Medicine. New York. Lange
Medical Books/ McGraw-Hill; RC/1211/C936/2007

Kraines, Minda G. (2000). Jump into Jazz: the Basic and Beyond for the Jazz Dance Student. 4 th ed.
Mountain View, California. Mayfield Publishing Company. GV/1784/K73/2000

Assessment in Learning I

Heritage, Margaret. (2020). The power of assessment for learning : twenty years of research
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Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum
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Jewett, Ann E. (1995). The Curriculum Process in Physical Education. 2 ND ed. Boston, Massachusetts
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Coordinated School Health Education Program
Cooper, Kim. (2019). Foundations and Adult Health Nursing. 8 th ed. St. Louis, Missouri. Elsevier.
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Facilitating Learner Centered Teaching
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and disabilities in primary schools. 3rd ed. Thousand Oaks, California : SAGE
Publications Inc., CIR/LC/3997/G469/2019
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Maddux, Cleborne D. (2001). Educational Computing: Learning with Tommorrow’s Technologies. 3 rd ed.
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Mager, Robert F. (1997). Preparing Instructional Objectives: A Critical Tool in the Development of

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Field Study I
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City. C&E Publishing Inc.; F/613.7/P838/2016
Eniza, Jose A. (2010). Physical Education 1. 2 nd ed. Malabon City. Mutya Publishing House, Inc.;
Saks, Alan M. (2007). Managing Performance through Training and Development. 4 th ed. Australia. Thomson.
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Field Study 2
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Corpuz, Brenda B. (2010). Field Study 2 Experiencing the Teaching Learning Process. Quezon City.
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Foundation of Special and Inclusive Education
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Individual and Dual (Racket Sports, Athletics, Martial Arts)
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International Dance and Other Forms
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Movement Education
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Music and Arts to the K-12 Curriculum
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Personal Community and Environmental Health
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Philippine Traditional Dance
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Philippine Traditional Games and Sports
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Medical Books/ McGraw-Hill. RC/1211/C936/2007
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Philosophical Foundations of Physical Education and Sports
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Physiology of Exercises and Physical Activity
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Principles Motor Control and Learning of Exercise Sports and Dance
DeGaris, Larry. (2015). Sports Marketing: A Practical Approach. London and New York. Library of
Congress Catalogging in Publication Data. GV/716/D363/2015
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Medical Books/ McGraw-Hill. RC/1211/C936/2007
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Mountain View, California. Mayfield Publishing Company. GV/1784/K73/2000
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Process of Teaching P.E and Health Education
Wardlaw, Gordon M. (2013) Contemporary Nutrition. 9 th ed. New York. McGraw-Hill;
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Research I
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research. 3rd ed. Thousand Oaks, California : SAGE Publications Inc.,
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Research 2
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Sports and Exercise Psychology
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Swimming and Aquatic
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TEAM SPORTS (Soccer, Football, Basketball, Volleyball, Baseball, Softball Non-Traditional
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The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles
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The Teacher and the School Curriculum
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The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and Organizational Leadership
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The Teaching Profession
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Technology for Teaching and Learning I
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Technology for Teaching and Learning 2
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